October 28, 2006

Martha Stewart meets Trekkies

So what does a science-fiction geek do with all that time not spent dating? How about some nice crafting?

The Internet can teach you to make a lovely replica of the Starship Enterprise out of all those 3.5-inch microfloppies (you know you're a geek if you know why they're called "microfloppies") that you don't use anymore since thumb drives took over the world.

Since this is October, perhaps a Cylon Jack-O-Lantern is just the thing to brighten your doorstep. After all, without Halloween, when else could you dress up like a Klingon yet still go out in public?

October 07, 2006


The Internet has a better memory than we do. This post originally contained a description of how we recovered lost passwords from an abandoned laptop PC. But it turns out, we'd already discussed that.